Monday, August 2, 2010

Your Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

Your Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

what's the best exercise to lose belly fat?

There is no one best exercise to lose belly fat! Because you can't "spot reduce" stored fat on any part of your body.

First of all you need to create a calorie deficit in your body, on top of this you need to create an environment which complements this. (fat burning metabolism)
step 1- Restrict amount of calories. Start by watching your carb intake, a lot of carbs tends to turn into fat, basically limit your bread, rice and sugars.
step 2- start strength training. By building muscle you are effectively burning 3 times more calories than normal cardio, studies have been proven that 45mins of cardio will keep your metabolism working for 3-4 hours later.Muscle building will ignite the metabolism for up to 48hours later!
step 3- by doing some cardio you will also see faster results for losing belly fat! Don't be fooled into thinking that weights alone is enough...try to run/walk/bike at least 1-2 days a week.
If you follow these 3 steps consistently, then you will know what the answer to "the best exercise to lose belly fat". As you can see, there is not just one answer to this question, take your time and don't get upset if you fall off the horse every now and then, just make sure you get back on it!

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