Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Quick Weight Loss Diet Plans

Starvation Diets - Crash Diets - Diet Pills

Diet Pills

Every gal I know is searching for a quick weight loss diet plan! Some of these diet plans work... and some of them work, but are dangerous... and some of them just plain don't work. I would categorize diet pills for weight loss as a weight loss plan that works but is dangerous.
I have a close friend, who shall remain anonymous, who recently tried the latest and greatest diet pill; well, she almost ended up in the hospital. She had crazy dizzy spells and truly threatened her long term health.
Yes, she did lose 5 pounds in a week but she went directly off the pills after her episode and gained the weight back. Diet pills are dangerous even at supposedly safe dosages. Steer clear of them at all costs.

Starvation Diets

Then there's the starvation diet, the diet in which we just stop eating and hope all will be well. This diet is extremely dangerous and it doesn't even work!
Why? Well, when we stop eating we actually store weight on our bodies, our body thinks we're going to starve, so it does all it can to conserve body weight.

Crash Diets
 Crash diets are any diet which is just plain silly -- like the soup diet or the bread diet. They don't have any basis in science and are basically junk. They also cut out a lot of important foods and are also unhealthy.

Quick Weight Loss Diet Plans - What Really Works 
Believe it or not we can all lose weight quickly if we diet smart. The trick is to use a couple of immutable dietary laws. The first is to control our carbohydrate levels and keep our blood sugar levels from getting too high. Nice.
If we eat a lot of carbs everyday... at every meal, then we're going to have a lot of difficulty losing weight. Our blood sugar remains too high, our insulin levels remain too high, and this causes us to retain weight no matter what we do. Not good!
The second principle we need to obey is we need to lower of calories a little but not too much, we also need to move our daily calorie level around from day to day.
This keeps our bodies guessing and keeps us in an optimal hormonal state, which is most favorable for quick weight loss. If we master these techniques we can have our cake, eat it too, and get a slim body fast.

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Monday, August 2, 2010

Your Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

Your Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

what's the best exercise to lose belly fat?

There is no one best exercise to lose belly fat! Because you can't "spot reduce" stored fat on any part of your body.

First of all you need to create a calorie deficit in your body, on top of this you need to create an environment which complements this. (fat burning metabolism)
step 1- Restrict amount of calories. Start by watching your carb intake, a lot of carbs tends to turn into fat, basically limit your bread, rice and sugars.
step 2- start strength training. By building muscle you are effectively burning 3 times more calories than normal cardio, studies have been proven that 45mins of cardio will keep your metabolism working for 3-4 hours later.Muscle building will ignite the metabolism for up to 48hours later!
step 3- by doing some cardio you will also see faster results for losing belly fat! Don't be fooled into thinking that weights alone is enough...try to run/walk/bike at least 1-2 days a week.
If you follow these 3 steps consistently, then you will know what the answer to "the best exercise to lose belly fat". As you can see, there is not just one answer to this question, take your time and don't get upset if you fall off the horse every now and then, just make sure you get back on it!

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Lose 30 Pounds in 5 Weeks

Lose 30 Pounds in 5 Weeks

Who hates a lean, healthy and fat free body? Everyone in this world loves to be slim and fat free. This article provides you more information on how to lose 30 pounds in 5 weeks time. This is not a joke or magic

* Firstly, you must understand the benefits of nutrients you eat. Your body needs proteins, lots of fiber foods (also called complex carbohydrate), good fats (found in omega, polyunsaturated products) and other food products that provide essential vitamins, minerals (vegetables & fruits) etc. All the above nutrients are readily available in your kitchen. Only thing is you must know the right combination of food that your body need. Fruits and vegetables are the items that can be taken in plenty whenever you wish.

* Why should we avoid fad diets is the question raised by many. Fad diets completely bring halt to your metabolism and this slows down the weight loss process. If your aim is to lose 30 pounds in 5 weeks time, then your metabolism should be always at the high level.

* Is it good to eat frequent diets? Yes, if you are serious in losing weight start eating good diet in 2 to 3 hours intervals. You can take food for 5 times in a day. When you switch over to this eating style, your metabolism will accelerate giving room to reduction in your excess body weight. Along with proper food, you can take some good beverages like green tea. Green tea not only strengthens your body, but also is a good fat reducing agent.

* Water also plays an important part to lose weight. Majority of human body part consists water. You can lose pounds of weight by drinking lots of water. It is recommended that you drink at least two gallons of water in one day. This will flush out the fat storing toxins from body.

If you follow the above instructions along with well balanced diet to shoot-up the metabolism, you are sure to lose more weight quickly. At the same time you need to concentrate on improving the fat burning hormones to convert your dream to lose 30 pounds in 5 weeks time.

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